Monday, December 30, 2019

Tips for Writing a Cover Letter After Youve Been Laid Off

Tips for Writing a Cover Letter After Youve Been Laid OffTips for Writing a Cover Letter After Youve Been Laid OffThough the jury is still out on whether writing a titel letteris actually useful anymore, its no secret that they can be especially beneficial when you feel like you have something to explain or elaborate on from your resume.No, were not saying the titelblatt letter should read as one long excuse, but instead, it can be used as an opportunity to briefly addresssomething the hiring manager may see as a red flag.For instance, if you were recently laid off,you shouldnt dwell on this in your cover letter, but you probably should mention it before going on to explain why youd be the perfect candidate for this role.Here are a few tips for writing a cover letter after youve been laid offBe honest. If youve been laid off, you can do one of two things. You can either try to avoid the subject entirely, or face it head-on and disclose your layoff in the cover letter. You dont have t o apologize for it you can say something like, I was laid off from my last position, but have been doing Xto keep my skills fresh and my knowledge current.If the layoff was due to budgetary cuts or a reason that was beyond your control, you can include that information as well.Dont feel like you need to make excuses.Layoffs happen. They stink- but are nothing to be ashamed of. Over explaining, apologizing, or making excuses will not paint the best picture of you. It might even make the hiring manager think the situation was worse that it was, and that youre trying to hide something. Dont draw more attention to the situation than you need to.Dont make the whole cover letter about the layoff.Like your resume, every inch of your cover letter is considered prime real estate. Dont waste the whole thing dwelling on your recent layoff. Instead, you should use your cover letter to sell yourself. Remember this is your opportunity to expand upon the highlights on your resumeand prove to a hir ing manager that youd be perfect for the role.Mentionat least two or threeof the job duties listed in the job description and show how you already have these skills or knowledge.Dont use it as a tactic to make the hiring manager feel sorry for you.You may be tempted to use the cover letter to explain how unfair your recent layoff was, and how you need a job to pay your mortgage and support your family. But dont That would be highly inappropriate. Never, ever try to guilt an employer into hiring you.Writing a cover letter after a layoff isnt always the easiest thing in the world. But if youre honest, include the right information, and write from your heart, you should have no problem writing a cover letter thats really worth reading.Looking for even more help recovering from your layoff? partnered with LinkedIn Learning to create a whole course for you. Get a 30 day free trial with unlimited access to LinkedIn Learnings full course catalog Heres an overview on Recovering from a Layo ff to learn more about the course.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

How to Source and Interview Java Developers

How to Source and Interview Java DevelopersHow to Source and Interview Java DevelopersHow to Source and Interview Java Developers Rossheim Are you looking to hire a java developer? To successfully source and interview these IT professionals, keep these IT recruiting tips in mindHow to Source Java DevelopersTo win their loyalty, provide career guidance to emerging Java developersNon-traditional institutions such as the University of Phoenix are providing an increasing share of graduates with Java skillsDont ignore mainstream social media the friends and followers of known Java developers likely include more Java developersRecruiter tipsWe visit a variety of top 25 universities, and we do career fairs for graduating students, says says Jenny Chynoweth, talent outreach manager at WhitePages. When resumes come in, I go over them with the hiring manager and get him to point out which qualifications hes looking for in a given search.Particularly with the introduction of Facebooks Graph Sea rch, recruiters will be able to search for those who are friends of (insert your favorite employee) and also are a Java developer, says Sam Jones in his blog, to Conduct the InterviewTo develop interview questions for Java candidates, seek input from a Java expertTest the candidates ability to communicate the business implications of technical issues, in plain languageRecruiter tipsIts useful to have in hand hypothetical questions designed by the CTO or the tech wizard of the company, for the internal recruiter to ask and report back on, says Jones.Ask one question that requires the candidate to write code, says says Rogers Cadenhead, author of Sams Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days.Youd be surprised how many computer science grads cant pass the Fizz Buzz test.If you ask questions that are too simplistic, you risk insulting the IT candidate, or worse, says John Reed, executive director of Robert Half Technology, Menlo Park, California. Reed recommends that you take t ime to research your interview questions, jot down notes about the correct answers and then listen for key phrases. More ResourcesIT Recruiting How your geschftlicher umgang Can Assess IT Candidate SkillsJava DeveloperSample Job DescriptionJava Developer - Entry Level Sample Job DescriptionHow toHire Java DevelopersJob SkillsHow Much to Pay Java DevelopersHow Todays High-Demand Jobs Impact Salary

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Sorry, but were just not ready for broccoli coffee

Sorry, but were just not ready for broccoli coffeeSorry, but were just not ready for broccoli coffeeWe were skeptical about Bulletproof Coffee, with its butter, and we are still getting used to CBD coffee. But this new one takes the cake.You know when you are eating broccoli and then you wash it down with a nice cup of coffee? No? Thats right because hopefully, you have working taste buds. But apparently, those fun Australians, specificallytheCommonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation(CSIRO) andHort Innovation, have decided to ground up broccoli into a fine powder and put it in their morning joe.As you can imagine, it has only received mixed reviews and yet we are aya this will be flooding all the coffee shops in no time and eventually your Instagram feeds. Starbucks will probably have a broccoli frappuccino by next summer.Too busy for vegetablesResearch shows the average Australian is still not eating the recommended daily intake of vegetables a day, and options su ch as broccoli powder will help address this,said Hort Innovations John Lloyd.This actually may be a good way to make yourself eat more vegetables because the thought of drinking them in your coffee will motivate you. Also, are we so busy that we cant eat vegetables?The only plus is that its made from imperfect broccoli which means you are saving it from going to wasteby drinking it in your coffee. So you may have a clear conscious but you may also vomit at your desk at work.

Monday, December 16, 2019

3 Ways to Be Successful at Your New Job - The Muse

3 Ways to Be Successful at Your New Job - The Muse3 Ways to Be Successful at Your New JobBeginning a new job can be charged with an odd combination of excitement, fear, and anxiety. Youre pumped to start this chapter of your professional life. Youre scared of all the new stuff youll be required to learn. Youre worried about fitting in (or worried that your boss is worried), catching on quickly, and exceling in your role. These feelings are all completely normal. While you probably wont be able to extinguish all of them in your first week or month, you can minimize them by having the right mindset. If you want to be successful, youve got to go in on solid footing. Your goal is to build trust early on, get bedrngnisiced before you accomplish some major initiative, and give yourself the option of making this a long-term career stay. Heres how to do it1. Ratzu sich Than Thinking You Can Rest Now That Youre Employed, Think About Whats NextRegardless of your shiny, new title, always rememb er that youre the CEO of your own career. Having a CEO mindset means being willing to take a proactive versus reactive approach to your work. That means not only working with the agenda your manager establishes for you but also setting actionable goals for yourself. You need to do the work youre given and assigned, and you need to identify opportunities that are within your reach, even if they arent in your job description per se. A CEO mindset also requires building relationships across the company- not just in your department with people on your team. It means staying focused on your professional development by staying on top of industry news, trends, and the latest research. It means delivering more than whats expected of you. When you have a true CEO attitude, you arent just going to work each day and getting paidyoure thinking big, building a bright future.2. Ratzu sich Than Only Collaborating With Your Team, Think About What You Can Learn From All Your ColleaguesMost people th ink of informational meetings solely as an opportunity to build their network outside of their company or to network for a new job. But if you want to increase your influence and learning curve when you begin a new position, its in your best interest to schedule these meetings after youve landed the job. Think of these in-house informational meetings as providing a unique opportunity for you to meet your colleagues and learn about the companys mission and trajectory- beyond what you gleaned from your interviews or any onboarding. Its a great way to introduce yourself, establish your role with the organization, and build your personal brand with respect to whats going on inside the company.Once you identify individuals within your department that youd like to get to know, request 15 minutes of their time within your first few weeks at the job. For a productive meeting, prepare in advance Learn as much as you can about the person and her background. Remember that the focus is on the o ther personyoure there to be a sponge and soak up her wisdom and experience. Each meeting is a chance for you to build upon a network of allies, an asset no matter where you are in your career. 3. Rather Than Assuming All Is Well, Schedule Your Own Performance ReviewsApproach your new job with genuine curiosity and a longing to consistently improve, and youll reap the rewards. Although a lot of companies require annual or bi-annual employee performance reviews, waiting until youve been at the company for six months or even a year to get solid feedback isnt going to help you grow. Instead schedule your own performance reviews and arm yourself with questions for your manager about where you are and what you could be doing better. Consider scheduling regular mini-reviews on a monthly basis with your manager, team, and colleagues. Dont assume because you havent received any constructive criticism that all is running smoothly. Some managers have a hard time dishing out truly negative fee dback, but if you mistake silence for praise, youre not going to be making much of a mark for yourself. By directly requesting information on how youre doing, you establish the precedent that you care, that you want to be given direction and insight thatll help you help the companyRemember that no job is new forever. Change is scary and it can be hard to get ahead when youre simply trying to learn the ropes, but mindset changes make it possible to succeed early and often. Plus, its to your advantage to stoke the fire and be consistently curious and eager to engage with your colleagues in departments near and far. Lastly, if your dream job is to one day be a CEO, theres no time like the present to develop and hone that mindset.Photo of woman on her first day of work courtesy of Eric Audras/Getty Images.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Surprising Ways Companies Assess Job Applicants

The Surprising Ways Companies Assess Job ApplicantsThe Surprising Ways Companies Assess Job Applicants For every job seeker looking for their dream job, there is also a company hoping to find its dream employee. In order to find the perfect match, companies are learning to get more creative during the hiring process to streamline the search for the perfect candidate.But with so many applicants applying to a standort, how does a company really zero in on the standout applicants? Recruiters and hiring managers are screening candidates both ahead of time and during in-partie interviews looking for red flags and the right fit - and sometimes you may not even be aware of how they are screening you. Here are a few new and unique ways that companies are testing applicants. In short, be prepared for anythingCompanies are often looking for specific traits in potential candidates, such as being detail-oriented. Matthew Ross, co-owner and COO of RIZKNOWS and The Slumber Yard , says he presents potential video editors with a unique assessment test before hiring. During the interview, he will give the candidate raw footage and a set of pre-made graphics and ask them to create a short, one-minute video.We evaluate the flow and quality of the video but what fruchtwein potential candidates dont realize is that the pre-made graphics we give them are incorrect (i.e. we purposely misspell a word, use the wrong color scheme, etc.,). Basically, we want to see if theyll actually see the mistake and fix it, says Ross. This gives us good insight into their attention to detail, which is a key trait we want in our video editors.Since we live in a digital, social-media heavy age, its not uncommon for companies to ask applicants for their Instagram or Twitter handles, as well as a link to their Facebook profile. Recruiters and hiring managers will look at your social channels to better understand your personality and to catch any red flags (i.e., foul language, ris qu photos, etc.,) and anything that might not align with the companys culture and values.Moreover, dont be surprised if an interviewer wants to look at your profiles with you during the interview When youre applying to a job, its always better to be geldschrank than sorry with your social media sites so clean up your zugreifbar act because your future employer may be watching Believe it or not, you might get to test out the job before you get hired. A day in the life visit also gives the company a chance to see how youd perform, both in the role and with your potential co-workers. Matt Dodgson, Director of Market Recruitment , says he has worked with clients who will first email a short screening test to a candidate and, if they pass, they will be invited to spend a mini-workday in the proposed position.This usually entails being given a project that can be accomplished within four hours (the candidate is given some prep materials beforehand), and then lunch with the team afterward , explains Dodgson. We then conduct an in-depth interview with the candidate the next week to evaluate their wertzuwachs and ask focused follow-up questions. Weve found that this puts candidates on the hot seat, but it gives us and clients better insight as to how the candidate would fit within the position and the team.Since texting is the dominant form of communication for Americans under the age of 50, its becoming increasingly more common for interviews to take place or be schedule directly through texting. In fact, tech company Canvas is dedicated to helping employers conduct text-based interviews. If a recruiter asks you to interview via text, dont be shy this may be an easy way for you to shine since, after all, you are probably used to texting And from the employer and recruiting prospective, a text interview saves time and helps weed out anyone who cant communicate effectively. So if you find yourself in a text interview, make sure you spell-check your text and respond in a timely mannerWith fit in mind, some companies use personality tests like Myers-Briggs to determine if a candidate will be a good cultural fit.During the hiring process at, were focused on finding the right person for the role, not just a person who excels at the required competencies, says Jon Brodsky, Country Manager at . Our personality tests provide insight into whether someone might be a good fit culturally. Its crucial that we find the right person for the company and role, because the right fit will flourish and grow while someone who may be considered the best will be frustrated and only deliver standard work.During the application process, an assessment might begin with video recordings of yourself answering the questions. While this usually occurs online in the application portal, its possible a recruiter will film your in-person interview to playback later or share with those in the interview loop who could not attend. The more common scenario is that, during the online application, you will be asked to answer a question while being recorded. The catch here is that you usually have to record the video in their online system, meaning you may not be able to edit or reshoot the video. The aim of this exercise is to get a genuine response and answer out of you, as well as to test how well you think on your feet and to get a sense of your personality. Also, for some industries like healthcare , this is an efficient way for recruiters to evaluate a large number of applicants. By using Montage Interview Software, nursing candidates at SSM Health are able to express interest in a job, discuss their skills and background, plus showcase their personalities in a way that phone interviews didnt allow for. Through on-demand interviewing, candidates can complete video interviews on their own time. The good news is that most applications like this will give you adequate support to prepare for the video interview.Similar to a person ality test, a company might ask you to take a specific data-driven test in order get specifics on your technical skills. For example, a company hiring for a sales position might ask prospects to take a 90-minute online test that will measure sales leadership competencies and client fit. Its essentially a quiz to test your knowledge and ability and to determine if you will be the right fit for a specific client. I am a recruiter and recently worked with a client that used a sales assessment as the initial filter for screening candidates, says Candie Fisher, Founder of Candie Fisher Consulting and Partner and VP of Client Engagement at Notogroup Executive Search. It made my job a little more difficult, as it knocked out some people that had strong industry experience, but it allowed the client to have confidence that every candidate moving forward had met a data-based hurdle.

Friday, December 6, 2019

The End of Software Engineer Resume Examples

The End of Software Engineer Resume Examples Get the Scoop on Software Engineer Resume Examples Before Youre Too Late If youll know more about the job in detail then youll absolutely be able to prepare the better cover letter for yourself. If youve written ten or more resumes which do elend elicit a response, then youre doing something wrong. You need to know how to prepare letter. You will need to understand that letter ought to be precise. Lets say youre applying for employment at Airbnb. You also ought to make sure you know the job in detail. For that reason, its clear that the employer would be searching for a candidate whos totally alert and knowledgeable. Explain to the employer why you are appropriate for the work position in a couple of words. Essentially, youve nailed work at a unicorn firm. When it has to do with getting work with a four-year level, theres no superior pay than that of a software engineer. The Software Engineer Resume Examples Pitfall Furtherm ore, you can look for software developer jobs on Monster. Functional Resumes of a software engineer should not be excessively long and should fit within a few pages. If youre a Software Engineer, you may want to have a look at adverts for software design vacancies. Software Engineer A software engineer is put at quite a crucial position. Computer Software Types Very frequently the computer program engineer salary will be contingent on the work type. Computer programmers are involved with design and upkeep of websites too. A Computer Software Engineer should be updated with the newest technology and strive to acquire new skills every single day. Software engineers with fantastic morale and higher productivity and technical knowledge are tough to find. Hence, theres an unbelievable demand for software engineers in the marketplace. Hence, you shouldnt take the drivers lightly. Depending on the businesss requirement developer has to develop the computer software. Sometime it could be the fault of users and they blame it to the computer software. Up in Arms About Software Engineer Resume Examples? Computers and data technology is a portion of our everyday lives, and new technology is being developed at a quick pace. The information and Technology is a huge arena which wants a bit of specialization in the areas requiring expert knowledge and techniques for its execution. Innovative skills play a major function in establishing yourself as an excellent chef in the cooking market. Networking is among the most crucial details of the work search approach. The Chronicles of Software Engineer Resume Examples In conclusion, careful use of power words will improve your odds of getting further in the hiring procedure, and of finding the job. An individual should be mindful to prevent common mistakes that will likely creep in while building a resume. Content take a look at below-listed points to comprehend the many advantages provided by engineer resume sam ples. Though the other engineers may be in a position to provide you with an abstract idea of the developments they may be way off the hook in offering you the very best information. It has to be clear how much the customer pays. Resume objective is the initial section in the resume. Last review It is a lengthy procedure to compose a detailed and efficient proposal. When the program was written, the client started to express dissatisfaction. The more connections youve got the more likely you will locate a position. To begin with, you want to tischset some self-development skill routine for your teams and then you will need to come up with a procedure to track their progress. Customized means you speak about the skills youve got and the way in which they relate to a particular function. Listing skills needed for the position is a no-brainer. Another very important part of the job of software engineer is qualitative upkeep of the system thats already in place. There are various steps involved with developing the software and generally there are 3 phases involved with software development. Youll have many career opportunities all around the world for a computer program engineer. There are lots of phases of software engineering and its an extremely deep area of software development and all the things discussed above is part of the introduction. The Ultimate Software Engineer Resume Examples Trick There shouldnt be any room for irrelevant information whether its educational qualification or skilled skill. If you want to become into a career in software engineering then among the most useful things you are able to do is obtain a degree in Computer Science. To begin with, construct your master list of every skill youve got. Selecting an Online Program Choosing a web-based degree program which is going to be beneficial to you to acquire your fantasy job isnt a cake walk.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Graduates Thou shalt not be generic

Graduates Thou shalt leid be generic Graduates Thou shalt not be genericPosted October 11, 2013, by Marni WilliamsYouve probably seen lots of websites offering stock-standard resume advice, but its not enough to simply have consistent formatting and have included all the expected sections. Some experts say you should have a career objective, that you should highlight your key skills, and identify a few achievements. This is all great advice, but it doesnt speak to particular industries and its a different story for each of them. In our highly competitive global marketplace, where more of us are getting degrees than ever before, you need to make koranvers you stand out from your fellow alumni. Graduates cant simply cast a standard resume off and wait for a bite. A sure way to get your first gig is to make sure you understand the needs of your industry and tailor your resume carefully. Do this and recruiters wont just take a second look theyll think youre answering their prayers. Weve consulted with recruiters and industry heavyweights to give you some clear direction. Dont stress if your resume is a bit light in the experience department recruiters arent expecting new graduates to have already done everything straight out of the classroom, but they do want to see that you have transferable skills and understand the world youre trying to get into.The 10 commandments of graduate resume writingRead the job ad carefullySummarise and prioritise they havent got much timeKeep it to 2-3 pagesUse verbs (active words) to describe what youve doneGet someone to check itInclude your achievementsYou can make any experience relevant in some way, paid or unpaidConsistency is key dont let your formatting get out of controlBe honestDo not be generic, tailor for each applicationMost importantly, dont lose heart too quickly. New research published by Graduate Careers Australia (GCA) has shown that employment rates for bachelor degree graduates improve notably in the first few years after graduation. Now that youre prepared for the task, find your industry below to set yourself on the path to getting noticed. You can also see our sample resumes and cover letters to get you departureed, and dont forget that your university careers advisor is also there to help.Find your industry below to for specific tips for your resume.ArtsIf youre looking to get into the creative industries then you will need to look a little deeper than SEEK. These boutique industries are looking for graduates who are connected with whats going on in their scene and they often advertise in niche publications and on industry-specific websites. They also expect to be able to find your work zugreifbar.Top tipsShowcase your work Create an online portfolio to showcase your work. Make sure its easily navigated and that youve limited it to your best pieces. Create categories so that you can link to specific areas for related job applications. There are lots of free portfolio sites but Th e Loop http// is Australian and comes with a vibrant community attached, or you can always use WordPress.Become a curator You can show your impeccable taste and knowledge by curating content on Tumblr or Pinterest. You dont have to say much, but recruiters will see that you are engaging in the scene.Make sure you fit Once youve actually located a job, you will need to consider whether youre a good cultural fit. Can you relate to the companys aesthetic, as well as its artists/performers? For ansicht jobs you need to be comfortable that you have the right eye, the right ear, and the ability to adapt your style.Your resume is not a portfolio Dont over-design your resume. Make it easy to read and no-fuss, and leave the visuals to your portfolio.Accounting/FinanceAccountants are involved at all levels of business. Todays employers not only want to know that you can come up with the numbers, they want to know that youre able to communicate what they mean. As Gavin Houch ell, managing director of Ambition Finance, says Employers no longer want number crunchers, they are looking for a CEO-in-waiting and theyll pay more to get what they want.Top tipsBe specific If you have experience with particular software or you studied a course that relates directly to the job, make sure you mention these by name keywords are important for recruiters.Show youre interested in more than numbers It takes much more than a head for numbers to get the top jobs in finance. Employers want people who can give the numbers context and see the big picture so they can make informed, strategic decisions. You can show your acumen by understanding the companys business model and anticipating the kinds of analysis they will be looking for.Discretion and ethics From staff wages to takeover negotiations, accounts and finance staff get to see the nitty-gritty of a business. Make mention of any experiences that show you to be accountable and trustworthy.EngineeringFor engineering gr aduates, its all about showing how you can apply your knowledge to real situations. Melissa Johnson from Ergon Energy gives this advice You dont need to get distinctions in every subject. We are looking for team players, people who can absprache with conflict, and can adjust quickly to new environments. We are also looking for good communicators. It is important to be able to communicate with non-technical people.Top tipsSpeak to the company You need to speak directly to the company you are applying to. Its also important to be able to relocate to where the jobs are on offer.Do your research Know the companys range of projects and highlight your results in relevant subjects or any experiences that could be directly transferable.Show some innovation Was there a project you undertook during university that highlights your problem-solving skills? Talk about this.Display your maturity Engineers need to be well-rounded and able to make informed decisions. You can demonstrate your develo pment and ability to communicate in many ways maybe you have travelled off the beaten track or become an active member of a student association.HealthcareOver the next five years the health and social services industry is expected to provide more jobs than any other industry, but that doesnt mean you dont need to put your best foot forward.Top tipsDo your research Know the size and types of patients that a facility deals with and you will be able to tailor your resume to suit. If the role is across a big, busy facility then you might want to focus on your ability to prioritise, but if you are going to be working in the community then you could focus more on your volunteer or personal care experiences.Teamwork, teamwork, teamwork Clinical experiences arent everything. Even if you havent had a lot of experience working with other healthcare colleagues, you need to highlight any team experiences youve had. Part-time jobs, administrative experience, internships, group work at uni and s tudent leadership roles are great ways to show that you can fit in with diverse groups.Selection criteria Government jobs will require you to respond to selection criteria as part of your application. The best answers will demonstrate experience, skills gained and outcomes achieved its about picking key examples rather than just making assertions.Keep up-to-date Even if youre a recent graduate, it pays to show that youre keyed in to recent developments by attending conferences and signing up for ongoing professional development courses. These might be technology-driven as well as clinical.Information technologyIT is competitive and you need to do your time working face-to-face. As Daniel Buckley from Hays IT Recruitment says Dont try and get into contracting without some real experience behind you first Graduate positions provide a lot of experience in terms of understanding company etiquette, how to work in a business, and how to get along with people, which you wont necessarily get through academic experience.Top tipsTechnical skills are only part of the equation You might be the best programmer or enterprise technician in town but this alone will not get you hired. Your ability to work as part of a team, to communicate and to understand the needs of a business are all important ingredients for IT workers. Even if you only provided IT support to a relatives business, its showing what experiences youve gained that will make all the difference.Prove you can communicate well Communication skills are often highlighted as the key for setting candidates apart. If you can show how you have worked with clients of any kind, whether its in retail or a call centre, it will show that you can address peoples needs.Dont be too specialised If youre too precious about the work you want to do you may miss out on opportunities. In a fast-moving market such as IT, you need to show that you are willing to try a few different things.Know SEO and SEM These are an important par t of most businesses these days. You dont need to be an expert, but you need to be up-to-date.LawFor anyone with a law degree, intelligence is pretty much a given. But when it comes to getting a position after graduation, its emotional intelligence that firms are looking for. Brendan Bateman, partner at Clayton Utz, is clear on this Law is an evolving discipline so it does not pay to be obsessed by detail What were looking for are people who can think for themselves and who can exercise commonsense and judgment Being obsessed with saying I am a lawyer does not usually translate into being able to work successfully in a business environment.Top tipsAcademic results Theres no getting around the fact that uni results are important for law graduates. Highlight academic achievements such as prizes, scholarships, or high distinctions in individual subjects.Relationship-building Uni might have prepared you to be the best textbook lawyer in town, but to represent people and companies you will need to build trust and rapport. Find a way to talk about how youve developed your interpersonal skills have you got customer service experience? Were you an active member of an interest group? Did you tutor other students? This all counts.Relevant life experience You might have been hitting the books hard for the past four years but if youre able to show well-rounded personal development then this will stand you in good stead. Travel, volunteering, sport and other accomplishments appeal to law firms as they see these kinds of graduates as not only being able to hit the ground running, but to keep going once they do.Media/JournalismAt this time of change there are far more communications graduates than jobs, so you need to be on your game if youre going to get a start and that involves writing more than just your resume. The good news is that there are more ways to get your writing out there than ever before, so what are you waiting for?Top tipsGet a voice Blog, tweet, post get used to communicating online and show what youre capable of. You can even get to pull your social media data into an infographic to show what a great influencer you are.Be prolific Keep writing create regular content for your own blog or have all of your articles feed into an automatically generated profile through or Or you can create your own website and show off some well-rounded design and web skills.Submit Contact websites you like and submit pieces to them that fit with their audience but make sure you read the submission guidelines first.Show that youre connected If youre a member of a trade association or industry group then include it it shows that youve got your finger on the pulse of your profession.ScienceScience is an exacting discipline, but giving a step-by-step account of your projects in scientific detail is not going to give the recruiter what they are looking for. They need to know about your ability to innovate, pr oblem-solve and communicate, not the details of your experiments.Top tipsDont be dense You need to assume that the person reading your resume may not have the same technical knowledge as you, so be clear and succinct.Showcase your teamwork and ability to learn You can talk about the scope of your